You know those paper fortune tellers? They were *the* rage when I was a kid. I loved them! And it is time to introduce my kiddos to the joy of Cootie catchers – while reviewing math lessons.
Math is one of those subjects that very few people enjoy. It is tedious and hard, but it doesn’t have to be if you make it a fun game. We have come up with so many ways to make math fun from our fidget spinner ideas to our elementary math puzzles. Soon your kids will love math! Plus we have activity printables for all subjects!
But today we made two paper games, one to review fractions and another to review times tables.
Want to learn how to fold a cootie catcher? Check out our instructions on our “Learning to Read CVC words” post. We made a fortune teller there to help our kids sound out words.
Basically, you start with a square piece of paper and fold the corners into the center. Flip it over and fold the corners into the center again. You then fold it like a hot dog – with the thumb flaps on the outside. Your kids stick their fingers into the flaps and move them to reveal the inside. Your kids can lift the inside flaps to see another message. We used math as our “messages” inside the classic fortune teller.
Times Tables Game
For our multiplication cootie catcher, we wrote each “family” of math problems on the outer flaps. The tables we are working on with our second grader are 2, 3, 4 & 5s – so I wrote those numbers on the outside. Inside the flaps we have the numbers written out by skip counting. So as your kids move the paper game, they choose between the different “groups” of skip-count numbers. When they lift the flap, there are four multiplication problems for them to solve.
Paper Fractions Game
For the fractions game, draw a circle on each of the four main sections. Break the circle apart into “fractions. We did the following fractions on our catcher: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, & 1/5.
The next level of flaps the kids had to figure out which “flap” matched the circle. Even though my kids are learning just the fractions, I wrote the decimal number beside “the answer” to try to help them begin matching the two numbers together.
When the kids pull up the flap, they see another “problem”. They had to color in the fraction amount on the bar using their finger.
I loved seeing the kids put their math lessons into their pockets and carry them around practicing them throughout the day!
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