Essential oils. Have you heard of them?
They’ve been life changing for my family! While I thought I would use essential oils to make sugar scrubs, to clean around the house, and to make play dough, I had no idea how much I would use essential oils as an extra tool in my parenting tool belt (so to speak).
Since we started using essential oils, my kids won’t go to bed without lavender oil. It’s amazing how much we’ve come to rely on our oils throughout the day. That’s why I’m thrilled to share these simple ways I use essential oils with my kids every day!
If you are interested in some information about essential oil dilution for kids, please check this out.
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10 Ways to Use Essential Oils with Young Kids
1.) Diffuse lavender oil before bedtime. We all know how important routine is before bedtime, but this added step engages kid’s sense of smell, and helps kids get ready for sleep.
2.) Send your kids off to school with a little peppermint on their wrists. It is such a happy smell and is a great jump start to the day! It is easy to apply in a roller ball container, with a carrier oil!
3.) Clean and dust their bedrooms with a DIY lemon spray. It will leave the space smelling crisp and clean.
4.) Use PanAway to rub on muscles after a long day of play or sports practice. This oil is so soothing! This is one that you will want to apply in small quantities with kids – I use a carrier oil.
More Ways to Use Essential Oils with Kids
5.) Supporting a calm environment is essential with kids! We rub a dab of Lavender on the back of their necks, have them take some deep breaths while we count to five and then start playing again. This little “break” helps me calm down, too!
6.) Every kid has some type of fear that they face, and my kids are no exception. We rub Peace & Calming essential oil on my kid’s ears just above the ear lobe to help soothe them!
7.) Diffuse, diffuse, diffuse. My kids love taking turns deciding on which oil to diffuse into the air. We have found several oils that make us happy like lemon and peppermint!
8.) Make a monster spray for kids to keep next to their bed when they get spooked at night. Just use a spray bottle with water and their favorite oil. (Bonus points if you can use SleepyIze to relax them!)
9.) I diffuse Purification next to where I change my son’s diapers to eliminate the smell. How does this help my parenting? You’d be amazed at how much happier you can be when you and your house aren’t smelling like a dirty diaper all day long… just saying.
10.) At bath time, my kids love adding an essential oil to the water. We like Lavender because it is such a calming oil which seems fitting before bedtime.
New to Essential Oils?
Ha! Me too…awhile ago.
It can be overwhelming with so many oils & choices.
This exclusive package {available for a limited time} gives you everything you need to get started and the information you need to know what to do!
As a Young Living Independent distributor, I started with their AMAZING starter kit & then added a few things I thought you might like…
…like a super huge essential oil information manual. I use mine ALL THE TIME. It is a place you can look up information about each oil individually or find information by looking up the problem you want to solve.
…like an Amazon gift card for $20! You can use it for additional resources or accessories OR just whatever you want!
…like membership in our group’s private FB community. This is a great place to ask questions, get suggestions and find out how other people are using their essential oils. As part of my team, you can also choose other groups like our business building or blogging communities as well.
Check out this article for more information about how to get this essential oil deal from Kids Activities Blog.