Teaching younger kids the basics like colors can be challenging sometimes which is why color sorting games are so awesome. This color sorting game for preschoolers help reinforce colors and words which is a bonus.
Little kids are ready to play, not sit down and focus on words and paper. They learn from the world around them and by doing, so why not making learning colors interactive!
Color Sorting Game
Sorting things into groups is a form of classification. Classification is an important science and math skill that helps us organize things and see patterns.
Have you noticed your child sorting things into groups based on color or shape? They begin to sort and classify naturally, but you can create opportunities to help them develop their skills even further.
Not to mention, this fun color sorting game for preschoolers not only teaches classification, but colors, sight words, and even works on their fine motor skills as they have to pinch and manipulate the clothes pin.
So not only is this the perfect color matching game for preschoolers, but also a great fine motor skill game, as well as a colors sight words game.
Supplies Needed For This Fun Color Matching Game:
Setting up the color matching game is super easy!
Luckily it doesn’t require a lot of stuff to make this fun color sorting game, but you’ll need a couple things, and some of them you may already have in your crafting supplies. If not, we can help! (This post contains affiliates.)
- Pom Poms
- Paint Palette
- White Paper
- Crayons
- Glue Stick
Also, if you don’t want to stick the color name plates to the palette using a little glue from a glue stick, you can also use some scotch tape.
How To Play This Fun Color Sorting Game:
If you take out the pink pom poms this could double as a fun rainbow color sorting game as well.
- Play a pile of pom poms next to the labeled paint palette. You could also place them into a container to keep them in place if need be.
- Hand your little one the clothes pin.
- Then let them sort the pom poms by color with the corresponding color sight word.
- Have your child repeat each color word as they sort the pom poms.
- Once they have all the pom poms classified in the correct place they win!
- If they mixed up some colors you can always take them back out to try again.
If your little one is having a hard time with opening and closing a clothes pin, you could always use mini tongs or tweezers (flat not pointed ones).
{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org”,”@type”:”HowTo”,”name”:”Color Sorting Game for Preschoolers”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Trisha”},”datePublished”:”2021-05-04″,”description”:”Learn colors the fun way using pom poms, a paint palette, and a clothes pin! This color sorting game is perfect for preschoolers!”,”image”:[“https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/03\/color-matching-game-480×480.png”,”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/03\/color-matching-game-720×540.png”,”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/03\/color-matching-game-720×405.png”,”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/03\/color-matching-game-735×386.png”],”totalTime”:”PT0S”,”supply”:[“Pom Poms”,”Paint Palette”,”White Paper”,”Crayons”,”Glue Stick”],”step”:[{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Play a pile of pom poms next to the labeled paint palette. You could also place them into a container to keep them in place if need be.”,”position”:1,”name”:”Play a pile of pom poms next to…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/#mv_create_281_1″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Hand your little one the clothes pin.”,”position”:2,”name”:”Hand your little one the clothes pin.”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/#mv_create_281_2″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Then let them sort the pom poms by color with the corresponding color sight word.”,”position”:3,”name”:”Then let them sort the pom poms by…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/#mv_create_281_3″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Have your child repeat each color word as they sort the pom poms.”,”position”:4,”name”:”Have your child repeat each color word as…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/#mv_create_281_4″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Once they have all the pom poms classified in the correct place they win!”,”position”:5,”name”:”Once they have all the pom poms classified…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/#mv_create_281_5″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”If they mixed up some colors you can always take them back out to try again.”,”position”:6,”name”:”If they mixed up some colors you can…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/#mv_create_281_6″}],”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/26002\/easter-activity\/”,”aggregateRating”:{“@type”:”AggregateRating”,”ratingValue”:”5″,”reviewCount”:1}}
Color Sorting Game for Preschoolers
Learn colors the fun way using pom poms, a paint palette, and a clothes pin! This color sorting game is perfect for preschoolers!
- Pom Poms
- Paint Palette
- White Paper
- Crayons
- Glue Stick
- Play a pile of pom poms next to the labeled paint palette. You could also place them into a container to keep them in place if need be.
- Hand your little one the clothes pin.
- Then let them sort the pom poms by color with the corresponding color sight word.
- Have your child repeat each color word as they sort the pom poms.
- Once they have all the pom poms classified in the correct place they win!
- If they mixed up some colors you can always take them back out to try again.
If your little one is having a hard time with opening and closing a clothes pin, you could always use mini tongs or tweezers (flat not pointed ones).
Looking For More Colorful Fun?
How many colors are in the rainbow? You can learn about colors and numbers with these fun learning colors printables.
Learn how to draw a rainbow and what colors are in a rainbow! This free printable is a fun way to reinforce colors after your color matching game!
Use silly straws to create a fun color matching game for preschoolers! All they have to do is thread the same color bead on the same color crazy straw. It’s also an awesome fine motor skill game as well.
Celebrate colors with these rainbow toddler activities!
Teach your preschooler what colors blue and yellow make with this delicious snack.
We have over 100+ fun activities to help your toddlers and preschoolers learn colors.