Toddler-safe, cloud dough – made without Baby Oil so even the youngest toddlers can enjoy it! Instead it is made with cooking oil so it is safe.
Of all the homemade dough recipes we use here in my daycare, Cloud Dough is one of our favorites!
It’s an amazing sensory substance that’s easy to make with just two ingredients – flour and baby oil.
As fabulous as it is, I often have parents ask me if cloud dough can be made with alternative ingredients so it’s safe for toddlers who aren’t yet past the stage of putting things in their mouths.
Video: Toddler-Safe {Coloured} Cloud Dough
For this recipe, I’ve swapped out the Baby Oil with an alternative ingredient, and I’m happy to report that the results were terrific! This is one of the more great recipes, because the main ingredients are safe.
I found a way to colour it too. I’m just thrilled to share with you our toddler-safe, simpe coloured cloud dough recipe! (This post contains affiliate links.)
Supplies Needed To Make Cloud Dough:
You just need 3 ingredients for this simple cloud dough recipe: vegetable oil, all purpose flour, and tempura paint powder.
- 8 cups of flour
- 1 cup Vegetable Oil
- Heaping TBSP non-toxic Tempera Paint Powder
- Potato Masher or Pastry Cutter & Wooden Spoon
How To Make Toddler Safe Cloud Dough:
Make sure you mix the ingredients for cloud dough well.
Step 1
In a large mixing bowl, stir together the cup of oil and flour.
Step 2
Add the Tempera paint, give it another stir. You can use different colors, it doesn’t have to be blue like mine.
Step 3
Then using a pastry cutter or potato masher, work the dough for several minutes until the colour is uniform and the ingredients are soft, silky, and well-mixed.
Playing With Your Cloud Dough:
Transfer your dough to a shallow storage container (a dollar store kitty litter bin works well), and add spoons, scoops, bowls, cookie cutters, and plastic molds.
Your kids will have a blast stirring, mixing, scooping, pouring and molding their cloud dough. Even my big kid has a little bit of fun with moon sand.
Pat it, roll it, dig it, there is so much to do with it!
Cloud dough is so lovely to the touch, they’ll love simply running their hands through the bin, squeezing and shaping the dough and watching it crumble when they release it back into the bin. I’ll bet you won’t be able to keep your hands out of it either!
This cloud dough looks like an ice cream cone!
This cloud dough won’t have that heavenly scent that it would if it were made with baby oil, but it still feels amazing, and your hands will be so soft after playing with it.
My daycare hooligans can play with this stuff for ages!
You could use this cloud dough for a sensory bin.
You gotta love it when a few simple ingredients provide so much fun and exploration! Plus, this is perfect for any sensory bin or in general, cloud dough makes a great sensory activity.
Shape it anyway you want!
Store your cloud dough in an airtight container. The homemade cloud dough or sensory dough, whatever you want to call it will last much longer in an air-tight container.
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Toddler-Safe {Coloured} Cloud Dough
Toddler-safe, cloud dough – made without Baby Oil so even the youngest toddlers can enjoy it!
- 8 cups Flour
- 1 cup Vegetable Oil
- Heaping TBSP non-toxic Tempera Paint Powder
- Potato Masher or Pastry Cutter
- Wooden Spoon
- In a large bowl, stir together the vegetable oil and flour.
- Add the Tempera paint.
- Give it another stir, then using a pastry cutter or potato masher, work the dough for several minutes until the colour is uniform and the ingredients are soft, silky, and well-mixed.
More Playdough Recipes From Kids Activities Blog
- Edible Birthday Cake Playdough
- Galaxy Playdough
- Outerspace Playdough
- Koolaid Playdough
- Best Homemade Play dough Recipe EVER
We have over 30+ playdough recipes for you to try!
Leave a comment: Did your toddler enjoy playing with this fun playdough?