It was so easy to make our own DIY bubble machine!
I have to admit that I sometimes avoid bubble play in my house. Solution spills, kids fight over bubble wands, and {{confession}} I get worn out from blowing bubbles over and over and over!
That’s why I was thrilled when I heard an amazing tip from one of our Facebook community members. It’s something that she does on long car rides, and I realized that we can easily do it at home, too!
How to Make a {No Prep} DIY Bubble Machine
One of our Facebook community members told us that she keeps a bubble wand up in the front of the car with her. When her daughter starts to cry or if she is getting restless, she puts the bubble wand in front of the vent for instant bubbles!!
It’s was a GENIUS tip!
A big thanks to our Facebook community for always having the best tips and ideas!!
So, my family and I tried to made our own version at home. And, without a doubt, this is the most entertaining activity that we have EVER done in our house. Period. It’s a MUST try if you have kids at home!!!
Materials for DIY Bubble Machine
(affiliate links)
- Fan
- Bubble solution
- Bubble wand
It was nearly impossible to get photos of my kids as they played because the second they saw the bubbles shooting out of the wand, they were in heaven (and, they were moving like crazy)!! It was the perfect afternoon activity and it took only minutes to put it out for them.
How to Make a DIY Bubble Machine
Dip any bubble wand into a bubble solution and hold the wand in front of a fan that’s turned on.
We experimented with the angle of the fan and where to hold the bubble wand, but we realized that the MOST bubbles were produced when we tilted the fan up towards the ceiling and put the bubble wand towards the base of the fan.
Let kids figure out the best angle for the fan and the best place to hold the bubble wand as an extra experiment, too!
Tip: we found that a bubble wand with multiple holes worked best!
This DIY bubble machine is such a simple way to get kids moving and having fun without having to leave the house! It’s such an easy way to make lots of bubbles!! You could put a baby on a blanket to watch the bubbles or use this as a rainy day activity.
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