Leaving the house with a preschooler can seem like the world’s greatest challenge.
Just waking up on time can be a struggle, but getting out the door on time… it never seems to happen. There are the last minute tantrums, potty stops, and loosing of the shoe that all mingle together to create havoc on the morning time. During these years, our children just require a lot of us, since their independence is limited.
Today, I want to share a few ideas to help you get out of the door on time. The school/work bell doesn’t wait on us, so we have to find some tricks that work and stick to them. While it will never be a piece of cake to get a preschooler ready in the morning, there are a few things you can do to help.
Getting a preschooler ready quicker in the morning:
Set out the clothes the night before.
Instead of deciding on the outfit the day of, decide the night before. If you have an opinionated one, ask them to choose between two outfits the night before. Then set it out so they can visually see it for the next day.
Use a printable checklist.
One of the greatest frustrations can be having to constantly repeat what is required of your preschooler. Instead of being a mom on repeat, create a checklist of what needs to be done. Since your preschooler is most likely not reading, use images to portray what is desired.
Get up first and get ready.
It can be next to impossible trying to get ready while you have a preschooler or toddler running around the house. Decide to get up first and get ready before waking your child. Waking up before your child will then allow you to be on your game, so you can quickly help to get your child ready to go. I continue to do this with all of my kids (every age) because it just gives me a 20 minute jump-start on the day. If the kids wake up earlier than you, have them look at a book, their schoolwork or a learning app.
Use positive reinforcement.
Whenever your preschooler is following directions well, cheer them on. Remind them how grateful you are for them being helpful. It is amazing what a little thank you can do for a preschooler!
Prepare the bag the night before.
Put together any items you need into the child’s book bag the night before. Set out everything that is needed and even make yourself a quick list on a sticky note. Have your kids prepare themselves the night before, too, with this after-school routine. It allows them to do what they need to do and get to bed on time, so they will be ready for school the next morning.
You can easily make a before school routine clock, too. Find the directions here.
Ready to try these tips? What helpful tips would you add? Remember, that your little one is just learning. This will be a work in progress, but one that you can do together. Find the After School Routine Clock Video here on our Facebook page.