When I was a teacher I loved using stations, now as a homeschooling parent I still enjoy making “stations” for the kids.
I think that “station” or project activities for school help make learning more real, less theoretical.
As our house is swimming in Easter Eggs (and it’s not even Easter yet!!) We used some of our eggs to make two math stations for my kiddos.
One station for basic addition of coins, and grouping of coins, the other for coming up with a total.
We created a math worksheet printable.
Print it and cut the problems into strips and partially fill them out for your kids to solve.
In the first math worksheet it reads: ” ______ NICKLES = ______.”
We would fill in one blank and the kids had to “solve” the answer. So ___ NICKLES = 25 cents and we would leave a single nickle in there. My daughter would need to add 4 more nickles to equal 25 cents. She could also work backwards. Another strip of paper could read: ” _ 5 _ DIMES = _____” – she would need to count out five dimes, put them into the egg and write the amount (50 Cents) on the slip of paper.
We also had a version for my older child to get some extra practice. We wrote the total on the outside of the egg, say $1.58, or another random number. Then I would pick random coins and put them into the egg. If the coins in the egg were too many, she would have to remove some to make the total. If there was not enough money to make that total, she would need to add more coins to create that amount and fill the egg.
Our egg money math station was one of the kids favorite ways to play, count and learn with coins.
How did you help your kids understand money concepts??
Here are some more math activities for kids:
- Math is Fun
- Math Games for Kids
- Math Word Sentences