There are some hands on kids activities that are a ton of fun. Your kids will beg to play them, to do them over and over, and OVER again! These are the ones that would be on my kids short list. They love open-ended play ideas.
…And I love how these activities reach a wide range of ages. My tots and elementary aged kids have an activity they can do – together!
These hands on activities will keep your kids busy for hours!
Hands On STEM Play Ideas
These hands on play ideas are not only fun, but many times educational in their own right. Many of them are actually STEM activities and ignites your child’s inquisitive side, as well as their creative side.
Straw and Stick Construction
Who knew that straws and sticks could entertain your kids so long! This is a great STEM activity as you are building engineering different things.
Kinetic Sand
I’m telling you, if your kids haven’t tried playing with kinetic sand yet they need to! The stuff is addicting. Promise! It is soft, damp, and sticks together like crazy!
Building Paper Blocks
Paper blocks are so much fun to make AND build with. All you need is scraps of paper and tape. This is another great STEM activity as it focuses on both science and engineering.
Silly Faces
Make silly faces! It’s fun in the mirror, fun to mimic each other and even fun to recreate on paper!
Paper Boxes
These Paper Boxes are harder to make than they look. Perfect for a puzzling kiddo. Preschoolers can just glue bits of paper together. Next: Build with our blocks!
This gives a literal meaning to hands on activities.
Hands On Science Kids Activities
Brain Building Activity
Who knew building brain neurons could be so fun! My son LOVED this “activity.” This really explains the brain to children and how it works. It’s a cool experiment.
Marshmallow Sculptures
Add some marshmallows and toothpicks to your kiddos play and not only will they have a blast building, they will also love the sugar rush… it’ll wear off.
Make The Best Paper Airplane
Paper Airplanes is a classic activity that’s been a favorite for years. The cost for an afternoon of play is just a ream of paper. Make paper airplanes – try this design, BEST ever!
These hands on activities are great for kids of all ages including toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten kids.
STEM Activities for Kids
Portable Tinkering Kit
Tinker away! Create a kit of random bits for your kids to build and create with! Plus, it is portable, take it anywhere!
10 Reasons To Build A Court
Build a fort! It doesn’t matter if you make it out of PVC piping, old bed sheets or chairs. Your kids will have a blast!
Pool Noodle Structures
Old pool noodles are not trash!! Your kids can build massive structures with them, all you need are toothpicks.
Pom Pom Maze
Make a maze for your kids to navigate a pom-pom through. All you need is a stack of post-it notes!
That string obstacle course looks like so much fun. That could easily be turned into a ‘Mission Impossible’ type pretend play.
What To Do When Kids Are Bored
Super Mario Dollhouse
Make a Mario World, or whatever your kids favorite screen game is, bring it to the real world.
Upcycled Cardboard Mazes
Mazes are mesmerizing. Make one with supplies you have on hand.
Giant Web
Never ending fun! That is what a skien of yarn will give you. Give your kids the task to make a giant web – and then they can crawl through it.
4 Engineering Challenges
Plastic disposable cups and craft sticks! Just sit back and watch your kiddos will build and create.
Fun Hands On Activities
Half the fun in this activity is the creation, plus this is yet another amazing STEM activity. Make a maze!!
Tiny Dancers
This dancing battery gal is easy to make, try giving the instructions to your elementary aged kiddos along with the supplies.
Air Fort
All you need is a box fan, a big sheet and an empty room. Hours. Your kids will be shrieking and crawling as a snake for hours.
Cardboard Castle
Got a big box? If not, check with your local appliance store! You can make an accordian castle!
Look at all the beautiful colors on the cd’s.
DIY Cardboard Construction
You don’t need to spend money to make toys that will help build your kids brains. Raid the rubbish bin for some cardboard!
Button Spinner
Spin away! Decorate CDs to become colorful orbs of color. This is one of our many fun hands on activities.
Basic Toothbrush Robotics
Who knew that a toothbrush could be and do so much more than just brush teeth. Transform it into a robot.
DIY Guess Who
Learn about historical figures – create a game of Guess Who. This is a great game for elementary kids.