Math for preschoolers is fun when it can be interactive and visual. We have the top 5 apps to learn math. Kids Activities Blog hopes your child enjoys this fun and interactive way to learn preschool math.
For Preschoolers
I find kids apps and gaming for preschoolers a polarizing topic; you either love it or hate it.
I have known and spoken to parents who have laid down strong boundaries regarding gaming
Confession – I now find myself in a family that has a strong culture of video games. Don't get me wrong: we do play outdoors; we do play creatively; we learn; we celebrate. However, truth be told, gaming and apps also feature in our day-to-day family life.
I don't want to demean the culture of apps and gaming. Apps and gaming are where my boys are at, and I want to meet them there.
Top 5 Apps
Here are our Top 5 Math apps for preschoolers, as tried and tested by my family (husband & boys: gamers to the core & me: teacher and avid app user).
Learn Math
Counting with The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Night & Day Studios. Just like the book, this app is beautiful. There are different levels of difficulty, a very handy feature when you’ve got kids at different ages and stages of counting.
Little Digits by Cowly Owl This clever and cute app teaches children about numbers through finger counting. As kids put their fingers down on the screen, the app shows the associated number on the screen.
Pocket Charts! Pro by Good Neighbor Press, Inc. Oh the hours I used to spend preparing classroom charts! This lovely contains 20 different literacy and numeracy activities. The numeracy charts include counting 1-20; numbers and number words matching game; fractions match game; single-digit addition/subtraction match game.
Preschool Math
Count the Animals by Appracadabra.com This app features the most gorgeous illustrations. A very polished counting app with the option of 22 different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, and Swiss German.
Monkey Preschool Lunchbox by Thup. My kids have played this so much that I can probably sing the app’s music to you in my sleep. This game is fun. As well as counting, it also covers letters, matching, differences, shapes and colors. The sticker rewards after every lesson are fantastic.
More Kids Activities
For preschoolers, math can be much like a puzzle or game to solve. These top 5 apps for preschool math will help kids learn math in a fun and memorable way. For more kids activities, take a look at these ideas:
- Math Game for Preschoolers
- Top 5 Apps for Kids in Math, Language Arts, and Science
- Simple Graphs to Help Kids Learn Math