Let’s make pretend snot!
This fake snot slime is the grossest and most awesome slime recipe you’ll ever make! It sticks and oozes over any and everything, but easily lifts off of hard surfaces much like silly putty and easily washes off of hands.
Make Fake Snot Slime
When my hubby came home and saw all the fake snot slime we were playing with he just *might* have said he was going to borrow a bottle to use for a silly prank at work!
This gross snotty slime is guaranteed to get an “ewwww…” out of kids and those adults who still have some remnants of childhood wonder and imp left in them.
How to Make Snot Slime Tutorial [Short Video]
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Supplies Needed for Pretend Snot Recipe:
- 4 oz Glitter School Glue – We used purple clear-ish color as when you add green to purple you will get a brownish hue
- 1/8 cup of Liquid starch
- 5-10 drops of Food Coloring – Yellow and Green were the colors we used
- (Optional) 1/8th teaspoon of Borax – Without this ingredient the recipe will be slightly harder to clean
- Water
Follow these simple steps to make your own awesomely gross to play with fake snot slime!
Instructions to Make Pretend Snot Slime
Step 1
Dump your glue into a bowl.
Step 2
Fill the empty glue container with water and dump that into the bowl as well. Mix until the glue is watery.
Step 3
Add the liquid starch and continue to stir as the mixture thickens.
Slime Making Tip #1: The first time I made this I used more starch for a firmer consistency. So feel free to add more if you prefer thick snot. If you are adding more starch, wait about 5 min. Sometimes it will thicken on its own.
Step 4
To aid in the cleanup we mixed 1/8th teaspoon (a big pinch) of borax into 1 tablespoon of water. We mixed the water and borax and poured that into our goop. The borax aided in the “release” so when you pick up the snot no residue is left behind.
Slime Making Tip #2: If you are worried about toddlers who put things in their mouths you can omit the Borax and add another teaspoon of starch in its place.
The possibilities are endless.
This stuff is super stringy, super slimey, and looks just like a loogey.
Storing the Homemade Slime
You can leave a pile of this on the table to dry. It still lifts off the surface and keeps the “fresh” look for hours.
To store, place in an airtight container.
Give the Gift of Slime
Would you use this as a prank gift?
Bottle it up and bring it to the hostess of your next Halloween party or play date. Everyone will have some fun!
{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org”,”@type”:”HowTo”,”name”:”Fake Snot Slime Recipe”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Rachel”},”datePublished”:”2021-03-28″,”yield”:”1 batch”,”description”:”Make this easy slime recipe that is the grossest and most awesome homemade slime you have ever made! It is fake snot slime and you won't be able to put it down. It has a sticky, oozey consistency that lifts easily off hands and surfaces. Pure slime magic!”,”about”:”DIY”,”image”:[“https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/fake-slime-snot-recipe-through-fingers-480×480.png”,”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/fake-slime-snot-recipe-through-fingers-480×360.png”,”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/fake-slime-snot-recipe-through-fingers-720×405.png”,”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/fake-slime-snot-recipe-through-fingers-735×385.png”],”prepTime”:”PT10M”,”performTime”:”PT15M”,”totalTime”:”PT25M”,”tool”:[“Bowl “,”Stick or spoon to mix”,”Storage container”],”supply”:[“4 oz. Glitter glue”,”1\/8th cup liquid starch”,”5-10 drops food coloring”,”(optional) 1\/8th teaspoon Borax”,”Water”],”step”:[{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Add glue to bowl – we used both the green glitter glue as well as a little of the purple glitter glue to get that snotty green color”,”position”:1,”name”:”Add glue to bowl – we used both…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/60216\/how-to-make-pretend-snot\/#mv_create_250_1″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Fill the empty glue container with water and add to bowl.”,”position”:2,”name”:”Fill the empty glue container with water and…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/60216\/how-to-make-pretend-snot\/#mv_create_250_2″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Mix until the glue is watery.”,”position”:3,”name”:”Mix until the glue is watery.”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/60216\/how-to-make-pretend-snot\/#mv_create_250_3″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Add the liquid starch and continue to stir as it thickens.”,”position”:4,”name”:”Add the liquid starch and continue to stir…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/60216\/how-to-make-pretend-snot\/#mv_create_250_4″},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”(Optional) Add the Borax into 1 tablespoon of water, mix and then add to mixture.”,”position”:5,”name”:”(Optional) Add the Borax into 1 tablespoon of…”,”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/60216\/how-to-make-pretend-snot\/#mv_create_250_5″}],”url”:”https:\/\/kidsactivitiesblog.com\/60216\/how-to-make-pretend-snot\/”}
Yield: 1 batch
Fake Snot Slime Recipe
Make this easy slime recipe that is the grossest and most awesome homemade slime you have ever made! It is fake snot slime and you won't be able to put it down. It has a sticky, oozey consistency that lifts easily off hands and surfaces. Pure slime magic!
Prep Time
10 minutes
Active Time
15 minutes
Total Time
25 minutes
Estimated Cost
- 4 oz. Glitter glue
- 1/8th cup liquid starch
- 5-10 drops food coloring
- (optional) 1/8th teaspoon Borax
- Water
- Bowl
- Stick or spoon to mix
- Storage container
- Add glue to bowl – we used both the green glitter glue as well as a little of the purple glitter glue to get that snotty green color
- Fill the empty glue container with water and add to bowl.
- Mix until the glue is watery.
- Add the liquid starch and continue to stir as it thickens.
- (Optional) Add the Borax into 1 tablespoon of water, mix and then add to mixture.
Let’s make another kind of homemade slime!
More Easy Homemade Slime Recipes from Kids Activities Blog
- Oh so many fun slime for kids recipes you can make at home!
- A bunch of slime recipes without borax if you are making slime with younger kids…
- Make this yummy and fun to play with edible slime recipe.
- How about some silly green eggs and ham slime?
- What are the best Etsy slime shops? We know!
- Here is a really fun instant snow slime recipe that I absolutely love.
- Make rainbow slime…it is so fun!
- Did you know there are slime kits for kids?
- Need some Baby Shark slime?
- Or make some Fortnite slime with this chug jug recipe!
- Make glowing slime with these simple 4 ingredients.
- Or this glow in the dark slime!
- Check out magnetic slime…it is part slime & part science.
- Make dragon slime. It is full of dragon scale goodness!
- Give the gift of a slime valentine with these cute printables.
- Make this super cute Christmas slime recipe or grab this cool Slime Advent calendar!
- Celebrate Elsa, Olaf and the gang with Frozen slime!
- Alien slime is so fun and celebrates the movie, Toy Story!
- Let’s make magical unicorn slime! Or slime made of unicorn snot…?
- Frog vomit slime…it is as gross as fake snot slime…almost!
- I love galaxy slime…it is the coolest.
- Make this summer slime!
Did your kids love making homemade fake snot slime? Did they use it for pranks?