Someone sent me a link to Rad Rags. I loved the concept and decided to make my own. They are really easy to make and cost less than a dollar per diaper! My hubby prefers “Rags” to using prefolds as all you have to do is lay the insert in place. This method of diapering makes cloth diapering an affordable and easy option!
Items needed:
- Dish towels (100% cotton and pre-washed)
- Scraps of flannel, velour, microfiber fabric, cotton corduroy, knit jersey, etc. (I got mine from the scrap section at Joanns fabric)
Fold the towel into thirds lengthwise. Then fold almost in half. You want it to be long enough to fill your cover, for me this meant that I was an inch or two shy of completely folding the towel in half. This inch meant that the diaper wasn’t too bulky in the front when on – an added perk. Then cut your scraps to match the towel. You will want a half inch margin around the towel. Sew three sides of your casing so it looks like a mini pillow case. Turn the case right side out so your seams are on the inside. Stuff with the towel. Sew the ends and a line through the center to keep the towel from bunching up during use… and viola! You have an ultra-cheap, ultra-easy diaper!
I use the “rags” inside Prorap covers. A negative of Rad Rags over say, contour diapers, is that you will need more covers (we have 6). With contour diapers or with prefolds, I can reuse my covers most of the time. With Rad Rags I get more debris on the cover. I have to wash them more frequently, but I’ve never had a blow out! As my youngest gets older I imagine that I will want to invest in some hemp or bamboo towel-like fabric to make the rags, in place of dishtowels. As these fibers/fabrics are more absorbent with less bulk, but so far, the dishtowels are holding up marvelously! I wish I used this method of cloth diapering on my older two.